Wednesday 25 April 2018

Plan a Successful Hotel Grand Opening?

If you're planning to have a grand opening of your hotel grand, you must make sure it gives an amazing impression for all the right reasons. Here are the top 3 tips to make sure a successful launch event.

Tip1: Share your vision

This may look to be obvious, but getting the answer- "What, Who, When, Why, Where" cannot be more crucial to the launch of a successful event. The question- "why" is particularly vital because, in the end, if you don't know the reason for organizing the event, you are much less probable to achieve your goals.

Good events don't happen by themselves; it takes a strong army of partners & vendors to get the "wow factor". Share the clear vision with your team, so that they can help you increase the overall experience and eventually assist you achieving your goals.

Tip 2: Highlight the existing features of your hotel

In several instances, event planners concentrate on fully transforming a space to build an impressive event experience which your guests will remember. For a grand hotel opening, you should look for a fine balance between developing an exceptional brand experience, while at the same time encouraging the existing features of the hotel without overriding them with lighting, decor, etc. The main goal is to have guests leave your event with a positive impression of the hotel itself; not merely a good time at a cool event.

If you are not skilled in organizing events, you must take assistance from a professional hotel consultant to make your event grand and successful.

Tip 3: Expand the existence of your event

Many people may think that once the event gets over, your opportunity to make an impact on your guests and customers ends as well. In contrast, the post-event follow up is a potent tool in your armory to continue to cultivate your business relationships from the hotel opening. Just when your guest or customer thinks that the event has ended, have valet surprise them with a bottle of sparkling water or coconut and a thank you note on their car.

Giveaways- don't forget them! Give your existing and potential guest some small giveaways with your hotel name printed on it, so they remember your hotel. It lets guests take a piece of the hotel home with them and memorize the positive experience that they had at your hotel.


An effective hotel grand opening doesn't have to break the bank. Most of the hoteliers have a fear of spending too much on a luxury hotel's grand opening won't get a big ROI, so they choose a very apathetic tour with a simple cocktail reception. Rather, follow some of the above-mentioned steps to make a highly impactful event choice exciting guests and leaving a long lasting impression of your hotel. Connecting your brand (hotel) to your people in an unforgettable way is the most crucial thing to consider when planning the opening of your hotel. Or, the other best way is to hire a professional hotel consultant to look after everything on behalf of you.


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